Alkotni jó, mindig is jó volt. Ám mióta a gyermekeim megérkeztek, megnyíltak a kapui egy világnak, ahol már én is jártam egykor, most pedig alkalmam nyílt újra felfedezni - ez a láthatatlan lények, szellemek, manók, (tündér)mesék világa. Itt vannak mind körülöttünk, ha kicsit jobban odafigyelünk, megláthatjuk-hallhatjuk őket fűben, fában, kőben, virágban, muzsikában, hagyományainkban. De rejtőzhetnek akár textilben, fonalban, színes festékben is, csak arra várnak hogy a képzelet erejével előcsalogassuk őket. Hiszem, hogy mindennek, amit két kézzel alkotunk-teremtünk, lelke van, mert az ember saját szívéből-lelkéből gyúr bele egy darabot, ugyanakkor varázslatos módon ő maga is gazdagabb lesz ezáltal - új dimenziókat fedezhet fel magában, akár anyaként, nőként vagy csak egyszerűen emberként.
Did you realize there's a 12 word sentence you can speak to your partner... that will induce deep feelings of love and impulsive attraction for you deep within his heart?
That's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, idolize and look after you with all his heart...
This impulse is so built-in to a man's genetics that it will make him work better than before to do his best at looking after your relationship.
Matter of fact, fueling this mighty impulse is so binding to having the best possible relationship with your man that as soon as you send your man a "Secret Signal"...
...You will instantly find him expose his mind and heart to you in a way he haven't expressed before and he'll perceive you as the one and only woman in the universe who has ever truly fascinated him.
VálaszTörlésNagyon helyes......mindkét manó! :)))
VálaszTörlésGyere át hozzám szeretnék adni neked valamit! :)
VálaszTörlésDid you realize there's a 12 word sentence you can speak to your partner... that will induce deep feelings of love and impulsive attraction for you deep within his heart?
VálaszTörlésThat's because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's impulse to love, idolize and look after you with all his heart...
12 Words Will Trigger A Man's Desire Instinct
This impulse is so built-in to a man's genetics that it will make him work better than before to do his best at looking after your relationship.
Matter of fact, fueling this mighty impulse is so binding to having the best possible relationship with your man that as soon as you send your man a "Secret Signal"...
...You will instantly find him expose his mind and heart to you in a way he haven't expressed before and he'll perceive you as the one and only woman in the universe who has ever truly fascinated him.